Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Mass Schedule at Santissima Trinita!

9:00 (Low Mass), 10:00 (Solemn High Mass), 18:30 (Low Mass) at Santissima Trinita dei Pellgrini.

[N.B. the Solemn High Mass is now at 10:00 and not 10:30!]

18:30 (Low Mass) at Santissima Trinita dei Pellegrini.

For the next few weeks there will still be a 7:00 a.m. Low Mass at San Gregorio dei Muratori.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


We are moving to Santissima Trinita dei Pellegrini on the 8th of June, 2008 (Solemn High Mass at 10:00 a.m.)!  Please see our new website at the following link: 

Until then the regular Mass schedule will be in effect at San Gregorio dei Muratori:  Monday through Saturday 7:00 and 18:30, and Sundays 9:00, 10:30 (Solemn) and 18:30.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday at Santissima Trinita' dei Pellegrini. The Mass, the Procession, the Altar of Repose, and the Stripping of the Altar.
A heartfelt word of thanks to all our priests on this holy day.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

San Gregorio before Easter

Via Crucis at San Gregorio

The Archconfraternity of the Via Crucis has a particular devotion to the Stations of the Cross.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Via Crucis at San Gregorio

Via Crucis at San Gregorio

A relic of the true cross is displayed atop the altar during the Via Crucis.

Via Crucis at San Gregorio

Members of the Archconfraternity have a particular devotion to participate in the popular exercise of the Via Crucis.

Via Crucis at San Gregorio

Via Crucis at San Gregoiro

Via Crucis at San Gregorio

This is the habit of the Archconfraternity under the care of the FSSP in Urbe located at San Gregorio dei Muratori on the Via Leccosa.
Since the reign of Pope Benedict XIV each Pope has had the title Protettore della Venerabile Arciconfraternita degli Amanti di Gesu' e Maria al Calvario detta della Via Crucis (Protector of the Venerable Archconfraternity of the Via Crucis).

Via Crucis at San Gregorio

Every Friday evening during Lent the faithful pray the Stations of the Cross at the FSSP Rome apostolate of San Gregorio.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Settimana Santa, Holy Week 2008

Domenica delle Palme/Palm Sunday, March 16:
Messa Solenne con la Benedizione delle Palme e Processione; Solemn High Mass with the Blessing of Palms and Procession. Alle ore 9:00 a San Gregorio dei Muratori, via Leccosa 75; 9:00 a.m. at San Gregorio dei Muratori.
Si noti che questa sara' l'unica Messa del mattino; this will be the only morning Mass.
Messa letta alle ore 18:30/Low Mass at 6:30 p.m.
Triduo Sacro/The Triduum:

Tenebrae: Giovedi, Venerdi, e Sabato Santo/Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday ~ alle ore 9:00 a San Gregorio/9:00 a.m. each of the three mornings at San Gregorio.

Giovedi Santo, Messa "in Coena Domini"/Holy Thursday, March 20: Messa alle ore 18:30, Chiesa della Santissima Trinita' dei Pellegrini, con la Processione del Santissimo all'altare della Reposizione; Mass at 6:30 p.m. at the Church of Trinita' dei Pellegrini, with the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose.

Venerdi Santo, "in Parasceve"/Good Friday, March 21: Alle ore 18:30, Chiesa della Santissima Trinita' dei Pellegrini; 6:30 p.m. at the Church of Trinita' dei Pellegrini.

Sabato Santo, Veglia Pasquale e Santa Messa/Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil, March 22: Alle ore 22:30; at 10:30 p.m. alla/at Trinita' dei Pellegrini, Piazza Trinita' dei Pellegrini (vicino al/near Ponte Sisto)
Domenica di Pasqua/Easter Sunday, March 23: Messa letta alle ore 9:00 a San Gregorio (questa sara' l'unica Messa del giorno); Low Mass at 9:00 a.m. at San Gregorio dei Muratori (this will be the only Mass on Easter Sunday).
A view of the Ponte Sisto (seen from Trastevere), with the dome and lantern of Trinita' dei Pellegrini in the distance. The church is two blocks in from the embankment on the other side; keep walking straight once leaving the bridge (click for larger image).

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vestizione Musicale del Santo Rosario

Chiesa di San Salvatore in Lauro, Roma
22 Febbraio 2008 ~~ ore 19:00
Dedicato alla memoria di Nando Peretti
Bonifatio Gratiani
(1605 - 1664)
Mottetto à voce sola per la Beata Vergine.
O qualis hodie
Giovanni Battista Vulpio
(1620 ca - post 1692)
Cantata Spirituale à Canto solo
Sopra la Passione dalla Croce Disceso
Anonimo Romano
(Prima metà del XVII sec.)
Canzonetta spirituale a voce sola con violini
Mira ò stolto core
Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber
Sonata del Rosario X
La Crocifissione di Gesù
Pablo Bruna
Tiento de Secondo Tono por G-sol-re-ut
Sobre la letania de la Virgen
Antifona Ave Maris Stella
Francesco Soriano
Canon LIV a due Sopra l'Ave Maris Stella

Paolo Lopez, Sopranista
Antonio Giovannini, Contraltista
Valerio Losito, Viola d’Amore e Violino
Paolo Perrone, Violino
Simonpietro Cussino, Violoncello
Roberto Caravella, Tiorba
Dario Paolini, Organo