Friday, May 25, 2007

"Vestizione Musicale del S. Rosario"

Rosaries in hand...
On the far left in the choir loft (SEE POST BELOW) is Dario Paolini, a master of Gregorian chant and who also plays the "organo positivo" which is a reproduction of a 16th c. wood organ. Second from left in the choir loft is Radu Marian, a most gifted countertenor. Second from right is Valerio Losito who, in addition to the violin, played the Peretti viola d'amore, an important 18th c. Neapolitan instrument owned by the Peretti Foundation (it is regularly loaned to promising young musicians). Simonpietro Cussino played the cello, and Roberto Caravella the theorbo and "tromba mariana".
The Venerable Archconfraternity of the Friends of Jesus and Mary on Calvary member in the top photo is holding an 18th c. rosary with a holy medal attached to it (only in the later 19th c. did a small crucifix come to be used). A CD of this event is being prepared.
For more information on the Peretti Foundations see
More soon about the "Ven. Arciconfraternita degli Amanti di Gesù e Maria al Calvario, detta dei Sacconi della ViaCrucis al Colosseo"...